This spring and early summer I had some profound experiences concerning three elephant seals that on different occasions came to a local beach to undertake a process known as catastrophic molting. Elephant seals at different times in the spring and summer (generally juveniles first, followed by adult females, and then adult males) will come up […]

Welcome to designing your life
in your own unique and authentic way
Where do you see yourself?Working to live or living for greater personal wellbeing and success that is meaningful to you?
The time is now.
To transform the stress, work overload, exhaustion, depletion, and imbalance in your life.
The time is now.
To shift the overworked paradigm. Your overworked paradigm.
The time is now.
Let’s ignite your desired change into creative action so you can start living a better quality life.
One that feels purposeful. One that inspires and energizes. One that nourishes.
I walk with you in this time that is now.
'Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.
Boldness has genius power and magic in it' - Goethe
Sign up below for my Messages from the Tide Pool newsletter to get to know me and receive insight from nature on living a better quality life (they’re short and sweet, never more than once per month).
Find out what You and I might look like if we were to work together.
Are we a match? Let’s find out, connect with me for a Discovery Session.
Still Point
In this fresh, New Year ahead, may we find our still point where we connect with our truth and move forward with that as our guide. Let the rumblings of our mind take rest. Let our actions be bold, courageous and meaningful. Take risks and try something new, start that project that’s yearning to be […]
The Stone Unturned
Can you relate to making a variety of changes to improve things in your life, but there’s a bigger change waiting for you to take action on? Perhaps you have tried to ignore it or the timing is never ‘right’, yet it’s always in the back of your mind whispering to you. I’ve had two […]
What They Say...
"I've received coaching from Gina on several occasions and what stands out is that she remains very present and in-tune with your needs and adapts accordingly throughout the coaching session. She encourages and guides you to develop clarity around your goals and to identify specific solutions and action items. This is a great gift because it is coming from within you and you leave feeling empowered. Her professional, compassionate personality allowed me to relax and trust in the process."